RaWood | Anna

Apr 22, 20202 min

Should I use (buy) fresh or kiln dried firewood?

Answer is easy - KILN DRIED, no matter in what appliance firewood is used.

Bellow You will find a simple explanation of what exactly are kiln dried logs and why they are better.

Kiln dried firewood is a qualitative wood fuel that bears a lot of benefits to You and our environment.

Every firewood user should know the characteristics of a kiln dried log, so they can be sure of what exactly they are buying and using.

Remember a kiln dried log:

  • will be heat treated (not seasoned or air dried), this is done with industrial kilns that have been designed for that specific reason. An industrial kiln consists of one or more chambers in which fresh logs are placed. In the chamber heat is supplied with help of pipping and provides consistent air (heated) flow and circulation. This process is highly controlled, to ensure that the logs are dried evenly, as every kiln session (or cycle) varies, due to several reasons, including: wood species, log size, log moisture, month of when round timber was cut and even the outside weather when kiln is being run.

  • will be lighter than a seasoned, fresh or air dried log. Higher moisture content = heavier log. By heat treating a log moisture gets pushed out and kiln drying is the best option how to reduce moisture in a log.

  • bark will be partly detached from log itself, a kiln dried log's bark will loosen due to reduced level of moisture in bark and log itself.

Key benefits of kiln dried firewood logs:

1. Greater value for Your money

Kiln dried logs burn slower but with greater heat output, so out of one kiln dried log You get more heat than from a fresh firewood log. Hence, burns much more efficiently.

2. Cleaner air and reduced footprint on environment

Kiln dried logs have much more lower levels of CO2 emissions when they are burned.

3. Much easier to use

Due to the fact that the logs are dryer they are much easier to light. Also, they are easier to carry, less heavy.

4. Less smoke

As there is less water (moisture) in the log that is evaporating as it burns it creates less smoke.

5. Cleaner burner

Heat treated logs produce reduced levels of creosote and therefore increases longevity of Your appliance and causes less headaches with chimney.

6. Less mess

Some logs during kiln drying process will lose their bark and defiantly will be free of debris, making less of a mess in Your home and storage.

7. No pests

One of reasons why logs are heat treated is to limit any pests

And much more!

Thank You for reading!

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#RaWoodTips #Firewood #Logs #R2B #Wood